Labor Segmentation Instructions




1.      Process the current pay period using the DSI interface program.  This process creates the following payroll input tables:


                  LABOR##.DAT - biweekly payroll input file

                  LABOR##M.DAT - manual correction input file


         where “##” is the 2 digit number of the current pay period to process.  Have Payroll review the records in the manual corrections file and correct the records as necessary.



2.      Using Trendstar Maintenance Option Micro File Transfer, upload the payroll input and manual correction files from step 1 above.



3.      In Trendstar DEC Editor, open LABOR##.DAT and perform the following editing steps:


   At the top of the file, use the line editing command Include to include the manual corrections file in the payroll input file, yielding one complete file of employee records.  At the asterisk type


               * Include LABOR##M.DAT


   Delete the line containing the extra pay period ending date, leaving only the date on line 1.


   When exiting DEC Editor, save the file name as PPEmmdd.PYB, where “mmdd” is the current pay period end date to process.  For example, for pay period 26 in FY94, the pay period end date would be 1217.  Note that the appropriate end date is the Saturday which completes the pay period, not the following Friday pay day.  There will be one biweekly file to process for each complete pay period.



4.               HSLedger - Create pay period input table from biweekly data.


                  Name of G/L file:         PPEmmdd.PYB

                  End date of period:         mm/dd/94

                  Name of map control file:         LABSEGMHRB.MAP

                  Name of input table to be created:         PAYMHRmmddB.BIW


                  Note:  Each biweekly file creation takes about 6 minutes



5.         HSLedger - Create pay period input table from biweekly data.


                  Name of G/L file:         PPEmmdd.PYB

                  End date of period:         mm/dd/94

                  Name of map control file:         LABSEGSALB.MAP

                  Name of input table to be created:         PAYSALmmddB.BIW




6.         HSLedger - Create pay period input table from biweekly data.


                  Name of G/L file:         PPEmmdd.PYB

                  End date of period:         mm/dd/94

                  Name of map control file:         LABSEGMHRL.MAP

                  Name of input table to be created:         PAYMHRmmddL.BIW



7.         HSLedger - Create pay period input table from biweekly data.


                  Name of G/L file:         PPEmmdd.PYB

                  End date of period:         mm/dd/94

                  Name of map control file:         LABSEGSALL.MAP

                  Name of input table to be created:         PAYSALmmddL.BIW



8.      Open the first batch file, TBALABORSEG1.BAT, and perform the following substitutions:


   Globally, in line mode, replace "1234" with the new biweekly pay period end date (e.g., "1217").


   Globally, in line mode, replace "ZZZ" with the last month which is completely populated in the master YTD data base. For example, if the current pay period ends on December 17, replace "ZZZ" with "NOV".


      When exiting DEC Editor, save the batch as LABSEGTMP1.BAT so as not to alter the master batch.



9.      Execute LABSEGTMP1.BAT, with batch log file LABSEGTMP1.LOG.  The batch should successfully complete in approximately two hours.  Using the See a Directory command, verify that the files named PAYYTD*.DBH do not exist on the HSL directory prior to entering the batch in the queue.   



10.    When the batch completes, open the batch log file in DEC Editor and verify that the batch was completed successfully.



11.    List audit reports PAYmmddA.LOG and PAYmmddB.LOG and compare the totals to the interface audit reports. Also compare totals to an independently verifiable source such as the Actual Hours and Dollars Report.  Any material variances should be researched and, if possible, fixed.



12.    List analytical reports PAYmmddC.LOG, PAYmmddE.LOG, PAYmmddF.LOG, PAYmmddG.LOG, PAYmmddH.LOG, and PAYYTD*.LOG (a year-to-date version of the biweekly reports).  Review these reports as desired.



13.    Using reports PAYmmddC.LOG and PAYYTDC.LOG, input the top 15 department numbers into TBALABORSEG2.BAT in the designated positions.  Make date-related substitutions to this batch, as described in step 8.  When exiting DEC Editor, save the batch as LABSEGTMP2.BAT.



14.    Execute LABSEGTMP2.BAT, with batch log file LABSEGTMP2.LOG.  The batch should complete successfully in approximately ten minutes.  Verify completion in DEC Editor.



15.    List analytical reports PAYmmddD.LOG and PAYYTDD.LOG for review.


         After the reports have been analyzed, the only files that should be left permanently on-line are as follows:


                  PPEmmdd.PYB - original pay period input file

                  PAY94mmdd.DBH - pay period data base

                  LABORSEG94.DBH - master year-to-date data base



Database Creation and Report Generation






This batch follows all the steps necessary to create HSL transaction tables with accrued expense and manhour data; separate manhours and expenses into the categories of Normal, Borrowed and Lost labor; and create final databases for the current pay period and update the year-to-date database.  Then the batch generates audit reports and analytical reports for the current pay period and for year-to-date information.


Report Generation for Top 15 Cost Centers






After Batch 1 has been successfully completed, this batch is edited to include the Top 15 cost centers in terms of use of overtime.  Then this batch generates a report for both the current pay period and YTD showing detail by job class, allowing for the determination of which labor categories have seen heavy use of overtime hours.





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